Dale Rector
Steve Stinson
Robert Snyder
James Smith
James Banks
Robert Snyder
Sound Equipment
Well my testimony would be in the healing power of Jesus Christ.
2 years ago our Michael had an episode with meningitis. He was rushed to Children's Hospital and admitted into ICU. He had severe swelling in the brain and stopped breathing. The pressure on his brain was so severe that he also suffered a stroke. To top things off he also suffered from two strains of the flu. The Doctors said the prognosis was not good and that Michael may not make it. We of course were devastated.
We turned to God. Many people across the globe began crying out to God for Michael. We even had nurses to come and pray with Michael. One night after Michael had had a whole drilled into his skull to relieve the pressure, Pastor Gary and Delores Hampton came by to visit and pray for Michael. I know that it just wasn't the prayers of Gary and Delores, but the corporate prayers of faith from around the globe that led to a Miracle.
The next morning, the nurse came in and Michael was awake, and alert, he was playing with the ventilator, controlling his breathing, so that it scared the nurse. Within hours the doctors came in and said there was no medical explanation for his recovery. They said he is a miracle. That was their only explanation for his recovery, A MIRACLE! We spent a couple of more weeks in the hospital and then we were transferred to a rehabilitation hospital.
The doctors still could not believe what had happened. Even today when we go back for a follow up, the doctors still call him A MIRACLE. PRAISE GOD!! When you come out to visit us here at Cross County Line Gospel Jubilee you will see Michael helping Jackson as the parking lot attendants. Once again, To God Goes the Glory!
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